Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gillsville Society Section; The Gainesville Eagle, 6 Oct. 1932

The Gainesville Eagle
Gainesville, Hall County, GA
Thursday, Oct. 6, 1932
Section: Down the Valleys of Hall

Gillsville Route 2

Mr. and Mrs. Ollin Johnson of Columbia, SC visited Mr. and Mrs. Royce Griffin last week.

Mrs. O.D. Buffington returned Saturday after visiting in Atlanta.

Mrs. J.B. Buffington is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Martin in Gainesville.

Miss Mary Griffin visited Miss Sara Griffin last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin spent Wednesday here with home-folks.

Mrs. Payton Tanner visited Mrs. Frank Buffington last week.

There will be prayer services at the home of Mr. Johnie Buffington’s Saturday night, October 8.

Source: The Gainesville Eagle is on microfilm at Hall County Library, Gainesville, GA

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